Shared bookmarks

Shared bookmarks

  • #writing #effective | You’re working on the most complex problem in computer science: fixing permissions on a deployment pipeline. It’s been 4 days you started on that simple task...
    1 week ago | View Shared by tom
  • #writing | Angelo Pesce's homepage & blog on computers, graphics and other things.
    1 month ago | View Shared by tom
  • #writing | Write a letter to the future: set goals for yourself, make a prediction about the world. Envision the future, and then make it happen. FutureMe has been delivering letters to the future for millions of people since 2002.
    2 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #writing | The website of Robin Rendle, a designer and writer from the UK.
    2 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #writing | A short guide to help you build a habit of writing consistently by Peter Suhm.
    2 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #writing | I woke up this morning, sleep deprived after my cat woke me up repeatedly last night and discovered I needed to write something about writing. Perhaps it's because I'm reading "Bird by bird" again by Anne Lamott. So here is another post about writing as a software engineer. I love writing, I love the feel of knowing there's a seed of a story or an idea inside. With some writing projects I know something is there worth telling, but I don't always know enough about it yet to be sure. Sometimes it requires upfront research and sometimes I think I know enough to start writing and see the idea emerge as I type. The piece advances, in fits and starts, as I go back and research gaps, and often discarding the whole thing and rewriting it again... until it has formed itself into something worth while. Then I send it to people for review and I get more ideas and insights making the piece better again.

    and the previous post

    4 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #writing #miniflux #effective | An easy way to do more things you love.
    4 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #writing | Advice and guidelines for writing at Clearleft, the design transformation consultancy.

    And Jeremey's blog post accompanying this:

    5 months ago | View Shared by tom

