Shared bookmarks

Shared bookmarks

  • #indieweb #local-first #keybits | The emerging golden age of home-cooked software, barefoot developers, and why the local-first community should help build it

    hn isn't so sure...

    1 month ago | View Shared by tom
  • #indieweb | Many people are looking for alternatives to Twitter. Can the IndieWeb step up? How can we build better social media for people without technical knowledge?
    2 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #indieweb #miniflux | The web is what we make it.
    2 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #indieweb | Many yearn for the “good old days” of the web. We could have those good old days back — or something even better — and if anything, it would be easier now than it ever was.
    2 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #indieweb | From BBS to Facebook, here's how messaging platforms have changed over the years.

    How might PostOwl / ATProto fill a gap in the future?

    2 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #indieweb | You know all those “share to Facebook” / “share to Twitter” links you see all over peoples’ websites? They’re all out of date. Social media has evolved over the last year, yet nobody has “share to” links for Mastodon, Bluesky, Threads, etc. There have been a few attempts to create “share to Mastodon” buttons, but they haven’t taken the larger breadth of the new social media landscape into account. So I’ve built a prototype, which I’ve called ShareOpenly. At the bottom of every article on my site, you’ll see a “share to social media” button
    3 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #indieweb | The internet seems ripe for change, and millions of people seem poised to connect in new ways, as they reconsider their relationship to technology.
    4 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #indieweb #miniflux | Tinkering with my website and getting inspired at Indie Web Camp Brighton.

    While we were hacking away on day two, somebody mentioned that they still find hard to explain the indie web to people.

    “It’s having your own website”, I said.

    But surely there’s more to it than that, they wondered.

    Nope. If someone has their own website, then they’re part of the indie web. It doesn’t matter if that website is made with a complicated home-rolled tech stack or if it’s a Squarespace site.

    4 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #indieweb | A brief, perhaps unoriginal, plea to have fun sharing and building on the web.
    4 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #indieweb | Dave Winer has been talking a bit about blogrolls lately: lists of blogs you like to read that typically sit on a sidebar or separate
    4 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #indieweb #miniflux | Forget death and taxes. The only certainty on the web is change. Ste Grainer takes a brief look at the history of the web and how it has been constantly reinvented. Then he explores where we are now, and how we can shape the future of the web for the better.
    4 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #indieweb | Subvert the status quo. Own a website. Make and share links.
    4 months ago | View Shared by tom
  • #indieweb #postowl | Find people to collaborate with by searching through the /about, /ideas and /now pages of 1000s of personal sites

    Brilliant idea - PostOwl needs to make these pages available to people.

    HN discussion:

    4 months ago | View Shared by tom

